Health & Fitness || 5 Minute Yoga for Flat Stomach

 Official Channel of The Yoga Institute, Mumbai

About the organization: The Yoga Institute, Santacruz (East), Mumbai, India was founded in 1918 by Shri Yogendraji and is the oldest organized center of yoga in the world. With a broader vision of becoming a householder to propagate the message of yoga, Shri Yogendraji believed that the benefits of yoga should be shared to all instead of keeping it as a secret for very few. Thus Shri Yogendra became known as the Father of Modern Yoga Renaissance.


Since many people came to learn yoga only as a solution for their health problems, the founder emphasized on teaching yoga as a way of life and to remove obstacles in one’s personality for a better way of living. The Yoga Institute was thus designed more as a ‘Life School’ where one learned to live. The simplicity, sincerity, and non-commercial angle of The Yoga Institute caters to householders and offers guidelines on how to manage self and keep up one’s sanity.

Health & Fitness || 5 Minute Yoga for Flat Stomach
Everyone wants to look great but to get there you shouldn’t have to starve yourself or go through unnecessary stress. Here are some ways to achieve a flat stomach by making minor lifestyle changes and practicing a few simple asanas.


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